The Factional Analysis of Sport Movie Through Oral History: Focus on "Forever the Moment" 구술사를 통한 스포츠 영화의 팩션분석: ‘우리 생애 최고의 순간’을 중심으로
하웅용WoongYongHa , 정형균HyungKyunChung
49(6) 1-12, 2010
The Factional Analysis of Sport Movie Through Oral History: Focus on "Forever the Moment" 구술사를 통한 스포츠 영화의 팩션분석: ‘우리 생애 최고의 순간’을 중심으로
하웅용WoongYongHa , 정형균HyungKyunChung
‘Forever the moment’ was the movie based on the real story about Korean Women`s Handball team in the 2004 Athens Olympic Games. Even women`s handball was not a major sports in Korea also sport movie was outside of main movie entertainment, the move made a big success because it based on a touching real story. However the movie based on the real story needed fictional scenario for commercial reasons. It creates a hyper-reality which was even more real than the reality. The problem was that mass may accept a fictional scenario on movie even more historical than history texts, written by historians. There were two main purpose of the paper. First, finding the possibility of sport movies as a history. The other, factional analysis which clarified fact and fiction in the movie`s plots. Faction is a new historical narrative genre, the compound word of fact and fiction. For these purposes, the paper used two analysis methods, literature and oral history. The paper found some distort the facts, and clarified the movie`s plots, finally formed an inside sport history about an athletic incident.
Key Words
faction, sport movie, the best moment of our life, history of women's handball
Why Sports Can't be Free from Nationalism? 스포츠, 내셔널리즘에서 자유로울 수 없는가?
김은영EunYoungKim , 김동규DongGyuKim
49(6) 13-24, 2010
Why Sports Can't be Free from Nationalism? 스포츠, 내셔널리즘에서 자유로울 수 없는가?
김은영EunYoungKim , 김동규DongGyuKim
In the past, sports unified people with legal nationalism color while representing the change relationship with a hostile country and superiority of ideology. Now, however, sports barrier, ideology and ethnic boundary is collapsing. Although nationalism is just a imaginary community, which is limited to structurally near relation, it is hard to explain the existence value of sports without country. It is because, it is hard for players to disregard identity, which shall belong to country. The purpose of this study is to search for serious coexistence because the dualized logic that unconditional nationalism or handicapped nationalism excludes history of nationalism. Shortly, although the past nationalism was closed, now open nationalism that is a cultural nationalism transcending country or race is required in order to make sports free from nationalism so that sports nationalism can be led to the generation of non-exclusive nationalism. As a result, it will maintain the balance between 'country and individual' and 'conservation and innovation', prevent ultranationalism and chauvinism and contribute to the world peace. If the existing discussion over nationalism criticism was about no peace or supremacy, now, it shall be reborn as the discussion for reconciliation and compromise admitting individuality. If we insist old way of sports nationalism, the contaminated ideological color inherent in sports will destruct essential value of sports continuously.
Key Words
sports nationalism, globalization of nationalism, open nationalism, relative liberalism in sports
New Horizon of Sport Humanism: Implementation into Mental Realism 스포츠휴머니즘의 새로운 지평: 정신실재론으로의 이행
49(6) 25-33, 2010
New Horizon of Sport Humanism: Implementation into Mental Realism 스포츠휴머니즘의 새로운 지평: 정신실재론으로의 이행
The basis of the sports humanism was understood in the same context of the humanity recovery in ancient Greece and of a desire for sports, which had deep relationship with 'pleasure,' by people in Renaissance. A fact that these attempts were searched from the value-oriented concepts in modern sports while passing through the period suggests that the context of sports humanism in the meantime was the extension of humanism, which is contemplated from the realistic world, rather than the particularity on the independent field called sport. This is signifying that sport is related to solving task of reflecting on a human being oneself and of promoting ultimate humanity among several problems that are derived from pursuing the complete-type human being as the humanists in the meantime have illuminated a human being's ego or humanism in the other's aspect. However, the grounds of this assertion are mostly stopping in evaluating good/bad centering on normative ethics, rather than being loyal to the natural significance of humanism. The fundamental problem was being overlooked about which is implemented into the axiological problem from the more ontological problem like fact-value gap problem and mind-body problem. Accordingly, a researcher judged that discussions about sports humanism cannot be independent from the ontological discussion, which closely examines a cause for behavior, thereby having tapped new possibility of sports humanism while sympathizing with the assertion of mental realists based on physicalism as saying that the root of human behavior needs to be guided from autonomy of mind.
The Characteristics of the Sub-culture of Cruiser Yacht Club Member : Focused on the Characteristics and Identity of Members 크루저요트 동호인의 하위문화 특성 : 구성원 특성과 정체성을 중심으로
장승현SeungHyunJang , 이근모KeunMoLee
49(6) 35-50, 2010
The Characteristics of the Sub-culture of Cruiser Yacht Club Member : Focused on the Characteristics and Identity of Members 크루저요트 동호인의 하위문화 특성 : 구성원 특성과 정체성을 중심으로
장승현SeungHyunJang , 이근모KeunMoLee
The purpose of this study was to understand the sub-culture of the cruiser yacht club members focusing on characteristics and identity of members. The study conducted an ethnographic research by establishing club members’ everyday life and yacht race as the environment of the study. The results were following. First, (1)the majority of occupational categories within the cruiser yacht club members was professional or self-employed people who centrally operated the club; (2)various economic classes of people enjoyed yachting; and (3)the club was managed by male-members rather than female-members. Specifically, cruiser yacht club members represented challenging and passionate tendency formed by the experiences of participating in extreme or adventure sports. In addition, before they played yachting, they had experienced and enjoyed various marine sports. Second, they initially participated in yachting through familiar people’s introduction. Moreover, the members who were associated with yacht business participated in yachting in order to obtain yacht related-information. Third, the cruiser yacht club members built their identity through acknowledgement from external and internal environment. they faced, self-achievement by extreme experiences and competition, and assimilating with nature.
Key Words
sub-culture, cruiser yacht club, Korean adults
The Effect of Image of Aerobic Dance Instructor on Participants' Satisfaction and Continuance Intention 에어로빅댄스 지도자의 이미지가 참여만족도 및 참여지속의도에 미치는 영향
김미숙MiSukKim , 이근모KeunMoLee , 이남미NamMiLee
49(6) 51-64, 2010
The Effect of Image of Aerobic Dance Instructor on Participants' Satisfaction and Continuance Intention 에어로빅댄스 지도자의 이미지가 참여만족도 및 참여지속의도에 미치는 영향
김미숙MiSukKim , 이근모KeunMoLee , 이남미NamMiLee
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of aerobic dance instructor's image on participation satisfaction and continuous intention, and the effects of participation satisfaction on continuous intention. Also, it examined which variables of participation satisfaction made aerobic dance members to participate more in exercise as an instructor's role and duty for members. To achieve the purpose of this study, 427 aerobic dance members participated to complete questionnaires by cluster random sampling. The result was as follows: First, ability and professionalism factors as an instructor's image positively influenced social, emotional and educational satisfaction among participation satisfaction but vocational consciousness, attitude and teaching method didn't influenced any factors of participation satisfaction. Second, ability, vocational consciousness and professionalism factors of instructor's image positively influenced participation continuance. Third, emotional and educational satisfaction factors among participation satisfaction positively influenced participation continuous intention.
The purpose of this study was to develop the items for data base of sports contents; this is a preliminary step to generate database that can be used for the advancement of domestic sports industry. To increase the credibility and validity of the research, the study first selected 24 people, including professors of sports sociology and sports industry, policy researchers, and officials in sports industry, and then conducted Delphi survey twice. The results were beyond the basic statistic data, and they showed that the respondents recognized the importance of media exposure not only for the distribution structure and increase in advertising revenue, but also for the employment status as well as the education of experts who can plan and operate such database system. Based on the research, this study concluded that we need to build sports contents database including comprehensive management plans and to propose the standards for determination of their usefulness in sports contents.
Key Words
sport contents, data base, sport industry
Sports Participation and Social Capital in Korean Society 한국사회에서의 스포츠 참여와 사회자본
서병세ByungSeSeo , 김찬룡ChanRyongKim
49(6) 79-89, 2010
Sports Participation and Social Capital in Korean Society 한국사회에서의 스포츠 참여와 사회자본
서병세ByungSeSeo , 김찬룡ChanRyongKim
Social capital was being important issues to solve diverse social problem in modern society. This study was to investigate general a relationship between sports participation and social capital in Korean society. Major findings of this study were as follows; First, regular sports participation could generally form strong tie - closure networks in elite sports and weak tie - open networks in sport for all. Second, regular sports participation could form a personal/social trust in among networks and new norms of networks. And the networks help to exchange information about sports, business, life etc on.
Key Words
social capital, sports participation, Korean society
The Result, Problem and Future Challenges of Training Sport Gifted 스포츠영재 양성 사업의 성과, 문제점 및 과제
임수원SooWoenLim , 이혁기HyuckGiLee , 이원희WonHeeLee
49(6) 91-102, 2010
The Result, Problem and Future Challenges of Training Sport Gifted 스포츠영재 양성 사업의 성과, 문제점 및 과제
임수원SooWoenLim , 이혁기HyuckGiLee , 이원희WonHeeLee
The purpose of this study was to analyze in depth about the result, problem and future challenges of training sport gifted support by Korean Foundation for the Next Generation Sport Talent. For this study 12 elementary students were selected who participate in Training Sport Gifted Program by purposive sampling at Talented Sports Center in K University, Also 3 parents and 3 coaches were chosen as assistant informants . Data was selected by participant observation and in depth interview. Result were as follows. First, The Training Sport Gifted Program's result were positive response about the program, improved physical fitness and exercise, a combination of study and exercise, developed personality and right habits, could have opportunities be an athlete, could be a target of envy from peers and could make new friends. Second, problem of Training Sport Gifted Program were lack of public relations, excessive exercise, lack of sustainable management plan, lack of program management information and the students who didn't want to be an athlete are participating. Third, future challenges of the Training Sports Gifted Program are active public relation, custom stage training, building the system that switching into student athlete, making variety information contents about the program and choosing the suitable in this program.
Key Words
korea foundation for the next generation sport talent, training sport gifted program
Effects of Participation Motivation and Attitudes Toward Sports on Development of Sociability Among Middle Schoolers Participating in After-school Sports Activities 방과 후 체육활동참가 중학생의 참가동기와 스포츠태도가 사회성발달에 미치는 영향
49(6) 103-113, 2010
Effects of Participation Motivation and Attitudes Toward Sports on Development of Sociability Among Middle Schoolers Participating in After-school Sports Activities 방과 후 체육활동참가 중학생의 참가동기와 스포츠태도가 사회성발달에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study is to examine the effects of participation motivation and attitudes toward sports on development of sociability among middle schoolers participating in after-school sports activities in order to provide basic materials for promoting their development of sociability and establishing sports activities as a part of recreational activities. one-way ANOVA and multiple regression analysis are used to analyze the study with the subjects of 568 middle school students participating in after-school sports activities, and the results are as follows; First, there are significant differences in development of sociability among middle schoolers depending on individual characteristics. Second, there are significant differences in development of sociability depending on participation experiences. Third, participation motivation affects development of sociability. Health/physical strength and fun of participation motivation affect all the sub-variables of development of sociability. Fourth, attitudes toward sports affects development of sociability. Both social attitude and individual attitude of attitudes toward sports affect all the sub-variables of development of sociability. Consequently, realizing that high level of participation motivation and attitudes toward sports do exert influence on development of sociability, educators and school authorities should figure out the educational value of sports and make greater dutiful efforts to help young adolescents lead a healthy social life in the future.
Key Words
participation motivation, attitudes toward sports, development of sociability, sports activities
The Influence of Sport Enjoyment Factor on Leisure Flow of Badminton Club Members 배드민턴 참여 동호인들의 스포츠재미가 여가몰입에 미치는 영향
조민구MinKooCho , 김인형InHyungKim
49(6) 115-125, 2010
The Influence of Sport Enjoyment Factor on Leisure Flow of Badminton Club Members 배드민턴 참여 동호인들의 스포츠재미가 여가몰입에 미치는 영향
조민구MinKooCho , 김인형InHyungKim
The purpose of the study is to inspect the influence of sport enjoyment factor on leisure flow of badminton club members. The subjects were selected by purposeful sampling method. They were composed of 488 members from badminton club who had been participating. The verification of the research hypothesis were conducted by t-test, one-way ANOVA, correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis. Following are the results obtained by the analysis. The conclusion were as follows: First, the male group had higher capability factor than the female group. Over fifties group and the forties group had higher factor of escaping from daily life than the thirties group. The twenties group had higher factor of competition-win than the thirties, the forties, and over fifties groups. Under one-year group had higher factor of competition-win than the five to seven-year group. Second, male group had higher factor of clear goal and challenge-skill balance. The group of forties and over fifties had higher autotelic immersion than the group of thirties. The group of forties had higher factor of transformation of time than the group of thirties. According to the experience, the five to seven-year group had higher challenge- skill balance than one to three-year group than under one-year group. Third, sport enjoyment of badminton participants affect the leisure flow.
Key Words
sport enjoyment, leisure flow, badminton participation
The Effect of Wearing Diet Slim and Correction Wear Made of Far Infrared Radiation Heating Yarn Treated by Nano-titanum on Women's Physiological and Psycho-emotional Factors 원적외선 발열원사와 나노티타늄으로 처리된 다이어트 슬림 및 보정웨어 착용이 여성의 생리 심리적 요인에 미치는 효과
허정훈JungHoonHuh , 한정규JoungKyueHan , 이동현DongHyunLee
49(6) 127-137, 2010
The Effect of Wearing Diet Slim and Correction Wear Made of Far Infrared Radiation Heating Yarn Treated by Nano-titanum on Women's Physiological and Psycho-emotional Factors 원적외선 발열원사와 나노티타늄으로 처리된 다이어트 슬림 및 보정웨어 착용이 여성의 생리 심리적 요인에 미치는 효과
허정훈JungHoonHuh , 한정규JoungKyueHan , 이동현DongHyunLee
The effect of wearing diet slim and correction wear made of far infrared radiation heating yarn treated by nano-titanum on women's physiological and psycho-emotional factors. The purpose of this study was to analyze how wearing diet slim and correction wear treated by nano-titanum and 37°C far infrared radiation heating (radiation rate: 0.889μ m, radiation energy:3.43*100W/㎡) affects women's physiological and psycho-emotional factors. 18 female college students were divided into two controlled groups for slim wear and correction wear, and finished complex exercise programs. The results were analyzed by 3X2 repeated measure ANOVA on the change of body heat, change of body composition, blood lipid, physical self-concept, and emotional responses. First, the results showed that there was statistically significant difference between before and 30 minutes after wearing the products on change of body heat. Second, there were main effects between before and after wearing on amount of body fat, rate of body fat, BMI, LBM of body composition. Third, there were interactions between the two groups by time on HDL-C in blood lipid. Fourth, in psycho-emotional responses there was significant difference on sport competence in self-concept and interaction on appearance, physical activity, and endurance. There was interaction on catharsis factor in emotion and main effect on achievement factor between time series. Therefore, it is expected that far infrared heating wear treated by nano-titanum may affect positively women's psycho-emotional factors as well as their physiological variables.
Key Words
far infrared radiation, nano-titanum, bady composition, physical self-concept, emotion
Effects of Exercise Capacity on Exercise Flow and Exercise Addiction in Pilates and Yoga Participants 필라테스와 요가참여자의 운동능력이 운동몰입과 운동중독에 미치는 영향
49(6) 139-148, 2010
Effects of Exercise Capacity on Exercise Flow and Exercise Addiction in Pilates and Yoga Participants 필라테스와 요가참여자의 운동능력이 운동몰입과 운동중독에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study was to verify the effects of exercise capacity on exercise flow and exercise addiction in Pilates and Yoga participants. Total 211 surveys were distributed and 200 samples were finally used after eliminating 11 incomplete samples. The data was analyzed by one-way ANOVA, hierarchical multiple regression analysis, correlation analysis, reliability analysis and exploratory-confirmatory factor analysis using SPSS 15.0 and AMOS 7.0 programs. Factor analysis showed that exercise flow had 2 dimensions: cognitive flow and behavioral flow. Also, exercise addiction had 4 dimensions: motivation of exercise, social problem, withdraw symptoms, need for exercise. The results of this research are as followings. First, Participants in the upper half of exercise capacity showed high scores on cognitive flow and exercise flow. Second, Participants in the upper half of cognitive and behavioral flow showed high scores on exercise flow. Third, Exercise capacity had significant influence on cognitive and behavioral flow, motivation of exercise and withdraw symptoms. Also, cognitive flow had significant influence on motivation of exercise and withdraw symptoms, behavioral flow had significant influence on motivation of exercise and social problem.
The Verification of the Structural Model Concerning Self-management, Physical Self-perception, and Performance Confidence Among the Dance Majors 무용전공자의 자기관리와 신체적 자기지각 및 공연자신감 구조모형검증
권영균YoungKyunKwon , 이동현DongHyunLee , 이지항JiHangLee
49(6) 149-160, 2010
The Verification of the Structural Model Concerning Self-management, Physical Self-perception, and Performance Confidence Among the Dance Majors 무용전공자의 자기관리와 신체적 자기지각 및 공연자신감 구조모형검증
권영균YoungKyunKwon , 이동현DongHyunLee , 이지항JiHangLee
The purpose of this study is to verify the validity of the structural model concerning self-management, physical self-perception, and performance confidence of the college dance majors. Total 419 persons participated in this study. The validities of questionnaires were verified by the exploratory and the confirmatory factor analyses, and the correlation coefficient and the structural model analyses were followed. First, all three measurement tools were verified to be acceptable. Secondly, three factors showed positive relationships. Next, overall acceptability of the hypothesized structural model was provided. Analyses of the causal relationships within the structural model showed that self-management had a meaningful influence on the physical self-perception, and performance confidence, and physical self-perception had a meaningful influence on the performance confidence as an inter-mediatory variable. Finally, as a part of discussion, possible theoretical explanation of these results were introduce, and inference of these influences among the variables were suggested for the practical applications.
The purpose of this study was to explore physical self-concept and happiness factors based on adolescents' participation in sports activities. In order to accomplish the purpose of this study a survey was conducted with 717 middle and high school students in Seoul and Metropolitan areas who are/aren't taking part in sports activities. As for research tools used in this study, the measures of adolescents' physical self-concept developed by Seonin Choi, Chunghee Jeong, and Byungjoon Kim (2005) was applied to explore physical self-concept. In addition, the measures of happiness factors developed by Jiyeon Shin (2007) and used by jisun Park(2009) was modified and supplemented as research tools to happiness and to correspond to this study's subject and purposes. frequency analysis, exploratory factor analysis, reliability analysis, one-way ANOVA, and multiple regression analysis were conducted. The data analyses based on the above have derived the following results. First, the frequency of participation in sports activities influenced appearances, muscular strength, health, flexibility, regular exercises, and body fat of physical self-concept. Second, the frequency of sports activities influenced the factors of self-satisfaction, interpersonal skills, abilities and potentials, and familial relationships of happiness. These results were discussed in terms of psychological and social based on adolescents' participation in sports activities.
The Construct Exploration and Scale Development of Sinmyung Experience in Korean Dance 한국무용의 신명 체험 구조 탐색 및 척도 개발
원가민GaMinWon , 김영숙YoungSookKim
49(6) 173-183, 2010
The Construct Exploration and Scale Development of Sinmyung Experience in Korean Dance 한국무용의 신명 체험 구조 탐색 및 척도 개발
원가민GaMinWon , 김영숙YoungSookKim
This study was to explore concept of Sinmyung experience and to develop Sinmyung scale in Korean Dance. In order to achieve the purpose of this study, 510 Korean dancers were selected for research participants according to research procedure. We conducted open-questionnaire, inductive content analysis, exploratory factor analysis, and confirmatory factor analysis to verify internal construct validity. In addition, we examined the possibility as a measurement by verifying external validity. As results of exploratory analysis, the subcategories of Sinmyung experience in Korean dance consisted of 4 factors and 16 questions, which were body experience, environmental satisfaction, flow, and positive emotion. The result of confirmatory analysis showed relatively good standards for Sinmyung experience construct in Korean dance. The result of external validity examination showed that high career Korean dancers have higher levels of Sinmyung experience sub-categories than those of low career Korean dancers. Moreover, it illustrated that body experience and environmental satisfaction are most distinguishable factors in Korean dance career.
Key Words
Sinmyung, Korean dance, body experience, environmental satisfaction, flow, positive emotion
Plan and Execution Characteristics of Sequential Movements with Various Task Contexts in Cerebellar Patients 순차적 동작 수행에서 과제 맥락에 따른 소뇌성 질환 환자의 움직임 계획과 실행 특성 연구
Plan and Execution Characteristics of Sequential Movements with Various Task Contexts in Cerebellar Patients 순차적 동작 수행에서 과제 맥락에 따른 소뇌성 질환 환자의 움직임 계획과 실행 특성 연구
We sought to examine how the function of cerebellum involved in planning and organization of sequential movements with variable accuracy requirements. Seven cerebellar patients and 7 age-matched normal controls were instructed to perform two segment movements with the second segment contained either high or low accuracy demand. The results indicated that normal controls showed kinematic changes in the first segment movement, such as an increased movement time and hesitation and reduced velocity when a task demand of the second target was high. However, execution characteristics of cerebellar patients was not significantly altered by the different accuracy requirements of the second target compared with normal controls. This finding suggests that cerebellar patients have difficulty in executing the two segments of the movement in a integrative manner, providing evidence that cerebellum is a critical neural structure for planning and executing multiple segment movements.
Implicit Motor Learning Strategies for the Recovery of Damaged Motor Skill in Parkinson's Disease 파킨슨 환자의 손상된 운동기능 회복을 위한 암묵적 운동학습 전략
윤기운GeeWoonYoon , 김상범SangBumKim
49(6) 197-210, 2010
Implicit Motor Learning Strategies for the Recovery of Damaged Motor Skill in Parkinson's Disease 파킨슨 환자의 손상된 운동기능 회복을 위한 암묵적 운동학습 전략
윤기운GeeWoonYoon , 김상범SangBumKim
The purpose of this study was to examine the effectiveness of implicit motor learning strategies for the recovery of damaged motor skill in Parkinson's disease based on the principle of bimanual coordination. Ten Parkinson's patients were randomly assigned into implicit motor learning group(five) and explicit motor learning group(five), and age-matched six normal adults were assinged into control group. The results showed that reaction time, movement time, and the ratio of deceleration time in the implicit learning group was shorter than those in the explicit learning group in learning phase. The persistence and adaptability of task performance in implicit motor learning group was higher than those in the explicit learning group in the transfer stage and retention phase. Grasping time and peak velocity in learning phase did not show significant difference between groups. However, grasping time and peak velocity in the transfer stage and retention phase were significantly different between two experimental groups. In conclusion, to improve the efficiency of the implicit motor learning for damaged skill recovery in parkinson's disease, Nonconscious motor control should be familiar to encourage from easy condition to the increasingly difficult condition. In addition, the most effective strategy to improve neural plasticity in parkinson's disease is to perform the motor task based on the principle of bimanual coordination.
Key Words
Parkinson's disease, implicit motor learning, neural plasticity, bimanual coordination
The Influences of Acute Overtraining on The Mood States of Female University Soccer Players 단기간의 과훈련이 여자대학교축구선수의 기분변화에 미치는 영향
김성운SungWoonKim , 김우철WooCheolKim , 최석립SukLipChoi
49(6) 211-223, 2010
The Influences of Acute Overtraining on The Mood States of Female University Soccer Players 단기간의 과훈련이 여자대학교축구선수의 기분변화에 미치는 영향
김성운SungWoonKim , 김우철WooCheolKim , 최석립SukLipChoi
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of acute overtraining on psychological changes of female university soccer players by using POMS with before-after-follow up steps respectively. Twenty-two female university soccer players were participated in this study. Their ages ranged from 20 to 22, with a mean age of 21.2 years, and mean experience of 6 years and 8 months. Subjects were divide into two group. Data was analyzed using two-way ANOVAs with repeated measures of group (overtraining and normal) and time (before, after training, 2 hours after training, 2 days after training, 10 days after training). Dependent variables were tension, depression, anger, vigor, fatigue, confusion and TMD (total mood disturbance). The results of this study indicated that the overtraining group had a significantly higher score than normal group in tension, depression, anger, fatigue, confusion and TMD. The result was that the overtraining group demonstrated significantly higher score in tension, depression, anger, fatigue, confusion and TMD but lower score in vigor, relative to normal training group. The results of this study indicated that overtraining induces negative affective state right after training and even this affective state have been maintained even few days after training. This implies that negative affect induced by overtraining would be a potential factor that negatively influence on soccer performance.
Key Words
acute overtraining, female university soccer player, poms
A Change of Inter-limb Coordination in Expressive Movement Pattern and Expertise 표현 움직임의 형태와 숙련성에 따른 사지 협응의 변화
김선진SeonJinKim , 김수연SooYeonKim
49(6) 225-233, 2010
A Change of Inter-limb Coordination in Expressive Movement Pattern and Expertise 표현 움직임의 형태와 숙련성에 따른 사지 협응의 변화
김선진SeonJinKim , 김수연SooYeonKim
This study examined the relationship between human expressive movement and motor coordination by analyzing coordinated inter-limb movement. Expert and novice dancers were selected to participate in this study. 4 different conditions were applied; in-phase and anti-phase inter-limb movement depending on the type of breathing movement. For the experimental task, the subject performed an upward and downward right arm movement while flexing and extending the lower limbs. For the quantitative analysis, jerk cost and maximum ground reaction force were analyzed. For the coordination pattern analysis, cross-correlation was analyzed. The results of this study were as follows; For light weight expression, all the subjects showed smoother performance in anti- phase than in in-phase condition. All the subjects showed the lowest jerk cost in anti-phase coordination with breathing. For strong weight expression, the experts showed less smooth performance in anti-phase than in in-phase condition. However, the novices showed better performance in in-phase than in anti-phase condition. The result of cross correlation showed the novices were more affected by breathing condition than the experts. It represented the systematic change of inter-limb coordination in expressive movement pattern and expertise.
Key Words
inter-limb coordination, expressive movement, movement analysis
The Relationship Between the Swimming Sport Participant’s Exercise Addiction and Psychological Well-being 수영 스포츠 참여자의 운동중독과 심리적 웰빙의 관계 연구
오근희KeunHeeOh , 김경렬KyungRyulKim
49(6) 235-244, 2010
The Relationship Between the Swimming Sport Participant’s Exercise Addiction and Psychological Well-being 수영 스포츠 참여자의 운동중독과 심리적 웰빙의 관계 연구
오근희KeunHeeOh , 김경렬KyungRyulKim
The purpose of the study is to analyze the swimming sport participant's exercise addiction and its relation with the participant's psychological well-being. The study used stratified cluster random sampling and conducted 720 questionnaires. The study deduct following results. First, subordinate factors of sport addiction influences psychological well-being self awareness. Second, subordinate factors of exercise addiction influences subordinate factors of psychological well-being. In consequence, exercise addiction in swimming has constant positive influence on participant's psychological well-being and self-awareness. The study concluded these positive exercise addiction in swimming serves great role for the people who desire the well-being life in the modern society.
Analysis of the Self-determined Motivational Process Model in the Physical Education Context 체육교육 상황에서 자기 결정적 동기화 과정 모형 분석
유진JinYoo , 박수현SuHyunPark
49(6) 245-255, 2010
Analysis of the Self-determined Motivational Process Model in the Physical Education Context 체육교육 상황에서 자기 결정적 동기화 과정 모형 분석
유진JinYoo , 박수현SuHyunPark
Based on the self-determination theory, this study examined to determine how the psychological need satisfactions would mediate between the motivational climates and the self-determined motivation. Furthermore, this study investigated the measurement invariance of the hypothesized model (MPMPE) with respect to gender. A total of 392 middle-school students (202 males, 190 females) attending physical education classes participated in this study. They completed a battery of questionnaires to assess motivational climate, psychological need, and self-determined motivation. The result of SEM showed the MPMPE to retain a satisfactory fit to the data. Mastery climate positively predicted the three need (autonomy, competence, relatedness). Autonomy and Competence positively predicted autonomous motivation, Relatedness positively predicted both autonomous and controlled motivation. Latent mean analysis showed that males had significantly higher means than females for mastery climate, autonomy, competence, and autonomous motivation. The amotivation scores for females were significantly higher than males. The result of the invariance test indicated that the hypothesis model would be useful for both male and female students. Autonomy and competence were more strongly predicted by mastery climate for males than for females. Autonomy was the more powerful predictor of amotivation for females than for males. These results were discussed with theoretical and applied implication in physical education contexts.
The Relationship Among Psychological Need, Psychological Well-being Scale and Positive Attitude of Taekwondo Hobbyist 태권도 동호인의 심리욕구, 심리적 안녕감, 긍정적 태도의 관계
남정훈JungHoonNam , 오지훈JiHoonOh , 형구암GuAmHyung
49(6) 257-270, 2010
The Relationship Among Psychological Need, Psychological Well-being Scale and Positive Attitude of Taekwondo Hobbyist 태권도 동호인의 심리욕구, 심리적 안녕감, 긍정적 태도의 관계
남정훈JungHoonNam , 오지훈JiHoonOh , 형구암GuAmHyung
The purpose of this study was to verify the relationship among basic psychological need, psychological well-being scale and positive attitude of Taekwondo hobbyists with population of 211 persons. The statistic analysis, exploratory factor analysis, regression analysis and confirmatory factor analysis were carried out by using SPSS 16.0 & AMOS 16.0 program. The results were as follows. The autonomy and competence have positive effect on the self-acceptance of psychological well-being scale. The relatedness has positive effect on positive personal relation and negative effect on the environmental control, respectively. The self-acceptance of psychological well-being and positive personal relation has positive effect on the positive perspective of positive attitude and social adaptation. The social acceptance of positive attitude has positive effect on the self-acceptance, positive personal relation, environmental control and autonomy. The autonomy of psychological need has positive effect on the positive perspective of positive attitude, social adaptation. And the competence has positive effect on the positive perspective of positive attitude, self-acceptance and social adaptation. The relatedness has positive effect on social adaptation and negative effect on social acceptance, respectively. The psychological well-being has positive effect on basic psychological need and positive attitude as a moderator.
Key Words
taekwondo hobbyist, basic psychological need, psychological well-being scale, positive attitude
A Search on the Effective Practice Structure for Temporal Timing Learning Through the Self-controlled Knowledge of Result 자기통제 결과지식을 통한 시간타이밍 학습의 효과적인 연습구조 모색
49(6) 271-280, 2010
A Search on the Effective Practice Structure for Temporal Timing Learning Through the Self-controlled Knowledge of Result 자기통제 결과지식을 통한 시간타이밍 학습의 효과적인 연습구조 모색
The aim of this study was to search for an optimal practice schedule considering the self-controlled KR on the stages of practice. Participants (n=40) were randomly assigned to one of four acquisition groups defined by the practice schedules (self -controlled KR - self-controlled KR, self-controlled - KR, all feedback - self-controlled KR, and KR - KR). The first part of the group name (e.g., self-controlled KR - KR) indicates the practice schedule used in Blocks 1-6 (e.g., self- controlled KR) and the second part (e.g., KR) indicates the practice schedule used in Blocks 7-12. The experiment consisted of a pretest session, two acquisition sessions, a retention session, and a transfer session. The dependent variables of interest were relative timing error and absolute timing error. The results represented that participants had similar temporal-timing skills in the pretest. In the two acquisition sessions, three temporal timing errors were smaller as participants practised. Most importantly, when considering relative and absolute timing the KR - self controlled KR schedule resulted in performance superior to that of all other groups in the transfer session though two temporal timing variables did not differ from each other in the retention session. We conclude that we might product the effects of the temporal timing learning on a new task like a transfer task through controllable strategies of the self-controlled KR on the stage of practice.
Key Words
self-controlled feedback, Knowledge of Result (KR), temporal timg, the stage of practice
Set-related Problems Associated with the Parkinson's Disease During the Prism Adaptation 프리즘 적응 과제 중 파킨슨씨병 환자들이 보이는 규칙전환 관련 문제점에 관한 연구
이경현KyungHyunLee , 이지항JiHangLee
49(6) 281-289, 2010
Set-related Problems Associated with the Parkinson's Disease During the Prism Adaptation 프리즘 적응 과제 중 파킨슨씨병 환자들이 보이는 규칙전환 관련 문제점에 관한 연구
이경현KyungHyunLee , 이지항JiHangLee
The involvement and the suggested role of the basal ganglia during the prism adaptation hasn't been firmly confirmed, and the possible cause of such inconsistent results could be due to the different adaptation mechanisms facilitated by the amount of the visual feedback. Therefore, two different visual feedback conditions were introduced while the Parkinson's disease patients(PD) performed the prism adaptation tasks. The results showed that, in the concurrent visual feedback condition, there was no difference in the adaptation rate during the prism on period and after effect between PD group and the age marched control group. On the other hand, in the terminal visual feedback condition, the adaptation rate during the prism-on and prism-off periods weren't significantly different between groups. However, the after effect of the PD group was significantly smaller than that of the control group. One of the motor and cognitive symptoms of the PD is the set shifting problem, and the low aftereffects during the terminal visual feedback condition could have been caused by this problem as well. Because the adaptation in the terminal vision condition takes places in the trial-by-trial basis, the PD group might have hard time developing the new set in this case. Relatively larger after effect and the problem of set-shifting could have resulted the reduced re-adaptation rate in the concurrent visual feedback condition as well.
Key Words
prism adaptation, set, Parkinson's disease
The Influence of the Participation Motivation on Sport Flow and Exercise Adherence Among the Students Taking College Physical Activity Classes 대학 교양스키 수강생의 참가동기가 스키몰입 및 지속의도에 미치는 영향
윤흥한HeungHanYoon , 김승철SeungChulKim
49(6) 291-301, 2010
The Influence of the Participation Motivation on Sport Flow and Exercise Adherence Among the Students Taking College Physical Activity Classes 대학 교양스키 수강생의 참가동기가 스키몰입 및 지속의도에 미치는 영향
윤흥한HeungHanYoon , 김승철SeungChulKim
The purpose of this study was to analyze the participation motivation of college level students taking physical activity classes, and, further, to identify its effects on flow and exercise adherence. Questionnaires responses from 300 students of 4 universities in Seoul and Kyungki area were collected for this, and the frequency and reliability analyses, t-test, One-way ANOVA and multiple regression analysis were performed. The results showed that, first, All the sub-factors of the participation motivation except for the exercise and fitness factors, and both of the cognitive and behavioral flow were greater for the male students while there was no gender difference for the exercise adherence. Secondly, students having an equipment of own scored high for all questionnaire. Third, highly skilled students showed significantly high flow, exercise adherence, and most sub-factors of the participation motivation. Next, students' pleasure and no-motivation factors influenced the cognitive flow while the skill development, pleasure, condition, external display influenced the behavioral flow. Finally, the pleasure, condition, and no motivation factors influenced the exercise adherence.
Self-enhancement Bias Behind Coaching Behavior 코칭행동에 숨겨진 지도자의 자기고양 편향
윤영길YoungKilYun , 김정수JeongSuKim
49(6) 303-310, 2010
Self-enhancement Bias Behind Coaching Behavior 코칭행동에 숨겨진 지도자의 자기고양 편향
윤영길YoungKilYun , 김정수JeongSuKim
This study was to examine self-enhancement bias of coaching behavior in football coaches. In order to achieve the purpose, 47 football coaches in AFC coaching program completed questionnaires. The results were as follows: First, in assessment aspects of coaching behavior, coaches assessed democratic behavior, authoritative behavior, social support, positive feedback, and training and leading factors more positively compared to others. This result illustrated the possibility of perception distortion in the process of dogma that only coach was right in team management and training. Second, there were statistically significant differences in democratic behavior, authoritative behavior, and social support. However, there were not statistically significant differences in positive feedback and training and leading factor. This means that coaches need to perceive the riskiness of self-enhancement bias on the factors having ambiguous standard relatively. Finally, there has been increasing importance of horizontal communication between coaches and athletes related with paradigm change in athletes' upbringing. Therefore, the perception of riskiness in self-enhancement bias among coaches will contribute in improvement of communication between members in organizations. In the future, there should be broader research approaches on self-enhancement among coaches such as illusion of control and unrealistic optimism.
Physical Education as a Discipline and as a Subject Matter 학문으로서의 체육, 교과로서의 체육
49(6) 311-322, 2010
Physical Education as a Discipline and as a Subject Matter 학문으로서의 체육, 교과로서의 체육
Generally, whenever a national curriculum is being revised, discourses based on mother disciplines of all subject matters are being made all the times. For this reason, ongoing discussion and communication between two groups (content specialists and pedagogy specialists) are inevitable with research on the body of knowledge in each discipline. However, it is common that two groups have not agreed perspectives on contents, because they view the body of knowledge with different angles. Thus, the purpose of this paper is to explore physical education with two different positions (one is physical education as a discipline, the other is physical education as a subject matter) and to compare two positions in terms of three characteristics. In the first part, issues on academic and educational name, academic and educational characteristics, and academic and educational forms and structure of knowledge with two positions are discussed. And then comparisons on academic dependency/educational independency, academic knowledge/educational knowing, and academic conceptualization/educational practice are being made in the second part. Unlike previous studies that have discussed physical education as a discipline, this paper tries to give more focus on physical education as a subject matter. It is obvious that issues on the body of knowledge in physical education as a subject matter should be solved in order to promote the quality of physical education in comtemporary and future societies.
Key Words
physical education, the body of knowledge, academic discipline, subject matter
Comparison of Classes Participation Factor and Satisfaction on the New Sports and Traditional PE Classes 뉴스포츠를 적용한 체육수업과 전통적 체육수업의 수업참여요인 및 수업만족도 비교
49(6) 323-334, 2010
Comparison of Classes Participation Factor and Satisfaction on the New Sports and Traditional PE Classes 뉴스포츠를 적용한 체육수업과 전통적 체육수업의 수업참여요인 및 수업만족도 비교
The study is to find out the applicable possibility of new sports for the PE classes comparative with classes satisfaction on the new sports and traditional PE classes. The sample of the study was selected from 871 middle-school students residing in Gwang-ju city of Korea. Data was collected by means of Students who participated in the new sports were quite more satisfied with participation motives, teacher instruction, curriculum usefulness than students who participated in traditional PE. also Students who participated in the new sports were quite more satisfied with learning contents than students who participated in traditional PE. The difference of class participation primary factors, PE curriculum satisfaction according to shows that female students were quite more satisfied with the new sports lessons than male students Also all the classes which participated in the new sports were quite satisfactory irrespective of sex. especially in case of traditional PE students in same sex classes were quite satisfactory but there is no difference with the new sports.
Key Words
new sports pe classes, traditional pe classes
Phenomenological Criticism of Teaching Physical Education Classes 체육수업에 대한 현상학적 비평
49(6) 335-349, 2010
Phenomenological Criticism of Teaching Physical Education Classes 체육수업에 대한 현상학적 비평
Until now, the object of criticism was art or literature, but the concern of instructional criticism has not been uncovered yet. Recently, there are some trends about conducting criticism research of teaching subject matters at school. This paper tried to read this trend thoughtfully, so that its purpose was to describe the mode of criticism of teaching PE classes with phenomenological 'reflection' and 'interpretation'. Above all, reflective criticism of teaching PE classes showed the researcher's reflection of his own teaching PE classes, so the modes of it were 'asking his being and the concept of PE', 'trying to unveil the shape of PE and the mind', and 'reflecting on teaching skills in PE classes'. Second, interpretative criticism of teaching PE classes elucidated the other's interpretation of their teaching PE classes, so the modes of it were 'appreciating the light of teaching PE classes', 'criticizing the dark of teaching PE classes', and 'inquiring the purpose of PE teachers'. Finally, this paper added some conditions of culturing criticism of teaching PE classes, which were composed of three parts; 'considering the background of teaching PE classes', 'communicating vigorously with teachers and a critic', and 'improving a critic's educational connoisseurship‘.
Analysis on Relations Among the Effect of Social Contribution Activities of Pro Team, Enterprise Image and Purchase Intention 프로구단의 사회공헌활동 영향력과 기업이미지, 제품구매의도와의 관계분석
49(6) 351-361, 2010
Analysis on Relations Among the Effect of Social Contribution Activities of Pro Team, Enterprise Image and Purchase Intention 프로구단의 사회공헌활동 영향력과 기업이미지, 제품구매의도와의 관계분석
This study was to analyze relations among the effect of social contribution activities of pro volleyball team, enterprise image and purchase intention. The subjects were spectators who came to Hyundai Capital Stadium to watch NH Nonghyup's 2009-2010 Volleyball League from March 1st to 31st. Through structural equation model, 383 questionnaires were analyzed. The results of this study were as follows: First, social contribution activities have positive effects on image of related products. Second, positive image of related products enhances the aspect of social enterprise and improves the company's overall image. Third, positive image of related products influence consumer's purchase intention. Social contribution activities of pro volleyball team are very effective communication method as well as means of sales promotion, which have positive effects on the company's public relations.
Key Words
pro volleyball team, social contribution activities, purchase intention
The Relationships Among Organizational Justice, Organizational Cynicism and Organizational Citizenship Behavior of Sports Facilities Employees 스포츠센터 종사자들이 인식하는 조직공정성, 조직냉소주의 그리고 조직시민행동의 관계
주형철HyungChulJoo , 김영환YoungHwanKim
49(6) 363-374, 2010
The Relationships Among Organizational Justice, Organizational Cynicism and Organizational Citizenship Behavior of Sports Facilities Employees 스포츠센터 종사자들이 인식하는 조직공정성, 조직냉소주의 그리고 조직시민행동의 관계
주형철HyungChulJoo , 김영환YoungHwanKim
This purpose of this study is to analyze the relationship among organizational cynicism, organizational citizenship behavior(OCB) and organizational justice recognized by the sports center employees. To achieve this objective, survey was done to those employees who work for the hotel sports centers, large private sports centers, and citizen's sports facilities and a total of 367 questionnaire were used. The result of this study was as follows. Frist, this study showed positive effects of distributive justice and interactional justice factors on OCB regarding the relationship between sports center's organizational justice and OCB. Second, distributive justice and interactional justice of sports center employees' organizational justice resulted in negative effects to organizational cynicism. Third, sports center employees' organizational cynicism and OCB had negative effects. Conclusively, organizational cynicism seemed to have partial mediation effects only between sports center employees' interactional justice among organizational justice and OCB as it showed negative effects to both of them.
The Relationship of Professional Baseball Cheering Satisfaction, Team Loyalty and Revisiting the Game 프로야구 응원만족도와 팀충성도 및 재 관람의사와의 관계
김진국JinKookKim , 김도훈DoHunKim
49(6) 375-384, 2010
The Relationship of Professional Baseball Cheering Satisfaction, Team Loyalty and Revisiting the Game 프로야구 응원만족도와 팀충성도 및 재 관람의사와의 관계
김진국JinKookKim , 김도훈DoHunKim
The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship of professional baseball cheering satisfaction, team loyalty and revisiting the game. In order to accomplish the purpose of this study, survey research was employed. The questionnaires for the survey were distributed to the 300 spectators who viewed professional baseball games at Seoul and Incheon. 284 out of 300 responses were selected for the effective data. The data were analyzed by the frequency analysis, reliability analysis, exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis, correlation analysis, structure equation model analysis by using SPSS Version 15.0, Amos 7.0. Following results were obtained through above analysis. First, the cheering satisfaction had significant influence on team loyalty. Second, the cheering satisfaction had significant influence on intention of revisit the game. Third, team loyalty had significant influence on intention of revisit the game.
Key Words
cheering satisfaction, team loyalty, intention of revisit the game
Structural Relationships Among Basketball Fan`s Identification Style, Team Image and Consumer Behavior 프로농구 팬들의 동일시유형, 구단이미지 및 소비자행동의 구조관계 분석
임범규BumGyuIm , 조광민KwangMinCho
49(6) 385-400, 2010
Structural Relationships Among Basketball Fan`s Identification Style, Team Image and Consumer Behavior 프로농구 팬들의 동일시유형, 구단이미지 및 소비자행동의 구조관계 분석
임범규BumGyuIm , 조광민KwangMinCho
This paper chose professional basketball fans who visited Seoul and Anyang stadium during the regular Korea basketball league season in 2008-2009, and sampled, using convenience sampling. A questionnaire was distributed to 400 female spectators and a total of 352 questionnaires were used for the study. For the analysis of data, SPSS15.0 for Windows was used and exploratory factor analysis and reliability analysis were made. In order to analyze the abstracted factors through structure equation model using Smart PLS 2.0, confirmatory factor analysis was made. Also, convergent validity analysis and discriminant validity analysis were made. For the verification of model suitability and of research hypotheses, path analysis was made. The research results are as follows: First, team identification had positive influence on team image(product/service, valuing customer, reliability, growth potentialities, society contribution, environmental harmony). Second, team identification had positive influence on team image(valuing customer, reliability, society contribution, environmental harmony). Third, team identification had positive influence on team image(reliability, growth potentialities, society contribution). Forth, team image`s 2 sub-factors(product/service and growth potentialities) had influence on purchase intention. Fifth, team image`s 2 sub-factors(product/service and growth potentialities) had influence on world-of-mouth intention
Key Words
identification style, team image, consumer behavior, pls
Influence of Corporate Association of Spots Goods Companies on Quality of Relationship, Attitude Toward Brand and Brand Loyalty 스포츠용품 기업의 기업연상이 관계의 질, 브랜드태도, 브랜드충성도에 미치는 영향
Influence of Corporate Association of Spots Goods Companies on Quality of Relationship, Attitude Toward Brand and Brand Loyalty 스포츠용품 기업의 기업연상이 관계의 질, 브랜드태도, 브랜드충성도에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study was to explore the relationships among corporate association, brand trust, brand satisfaction, brand attitude, and brand loyalty toward sport goods company. For the subject, 300 students who have experienced in buying and using NIKE goods were selected by convenience sampling. The 292 collected data, excepting 8 data with unfaithful responses, were analyzed by SP SSWIN Ver.18.0 and AMOS 18.0. This study verified individual hypothesis after testing the goodness fit of a model through analysis of frequency reliability, correlation and structural equation model. The results of study were as follows. First, corporate association was found to have a significant effect on brand trust. Second, the association of corporate ability among the subordinated factors in corporate association was found to have a significant effect on brand satisfaction, but not the corporate social responsibility. Third, brand trust was found to have a significant effect on brand satisfaction. Fourth, the quality of relationship with brand was found to have a positive effect on attitude toward brand. Fifth, attitude toward brand was found to have a positive effect on brand loyalty.
Key Words
corporate association, corporate ability, corporate social responsibility, quality of relationship, brand trust, brand satisfaction, attitude toward brand, brand loyalty
The Influence of Arousal, Skill, Challenge, Interactivity, and Involvement on Flow Experience for Professional Baseball Spectator 프로야구 관람자의 각성, 기술, 도전, 상호작용, 관여도가 플로우경험에 미치는 영향
김종백JongBackKim , 하제현JaeHyunHa , 김석주SeokJuKim
49(6) 415-424, 2010
The Influence of Arousal, Skill, Challenge, Interactivity, and Involvement on Flow Experience for Professional Baseball Spectator 프로야구 관람자의 각성, 기술, 도전, 상호작용, 관여도가 플로우경험에 미치는 영향
김종백JongBackKim , 하제현JaeHyunHa , 김석주SeokJuKim
The purpose of study was to examine the relationship between arousal, skill, challenge, interactivity, and involvement and flow experience(focused attention and positive affect) for professional baseball spectator. In order to accomplish this study, total 250 questionnaires were distributed to professional baseball spectators who attended a home game of 2010 regular league using a convenient sampling method. Among them, thirteen questionnaires were excluded because they were not applicable. There were 237 usable questionnaires. Data were analyzed with multiple regression analysis using SPSS 17.0. The results of this study revealed that arousal, skill, challenge, and interactivity had a positive and direct influence on focused attention. However, involvement didn't contribute to focused attention. The results also indicated that arousal, interactivity, and involvement had a significant influence on positive affect. However, skill and challenge didn't contribute to positive affect.
Key Words
flow experience, focused attention, positive affect, professional baseball
Influence of Title Sponsorship Activities of Professional Baseball on Brand Equity, Attitude Toward Brand, and Product-using Intention 프로야구 타이틀스폰서십 활동이 브랜드자산, 브랜드태도 및 제품이용의도에 미치는 영향
Influence of Title Sponsorship Activities of Professional Baseball on Brand Equity, Attitude Toward Brand, and Product-using Intention 프로야구 타이틀스폰서십 활동이 브랜드자산, 브랜드태도 및 제품이용의도에 미치는 영향
This research was aimed at inquiring into the influence of title sponsorship activities of professional baseball on brand equity, attitude toward brand, and product-using intention. This research set 300 spectators of CJ-sponsored Magu-Magu professional baseball as its study object on convenience sampling, and used 280 questionnaires excepting 20 copies, which were thought to be inappropriate for data, as final valid samples. This research carried out frequency analysis & reliability analysis using SPSSWIN Ver.18.0 and also conducted the verification of individual hypothesis through confirmatory factor analysis, correlation analysis, and structural equation model analysis using AMOS 18.0, and its study results are as follows: First, it was found that only communication activities and activities contributing to events among the title sponsorship activities of professional baseball had a statistically significant influence on brand recognition. Second, only image-promoting activities and activities contributing to events among the title sponsorship activities of professional baseball were found to have a significant effect on brand image. Third, in the relationship between brand equity and attitude toward brand, brand image was found to have a significant effect on attitude toward brand, but brand recognition was found not to have a significant effect on attitude toward brand. Fourth, attitude toward brand was found to have a significant effect on product-using intention.
Effects of Service Quality at a Ski Resort on Service Value, Customer Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty for snowboarders 스노우보드 소비자의 서비스품질, 서비스가치, 고객만족, 고객충성도의 구조관계
박명국MyoungKugPark , 유현순HyunSoonYu
49(6) 437-448, 2010
Effects of Service Quality at a Ski Resort on Service Value, Customer Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty for snowboarders 스노우보드 소비자의 서비스품질, 서비스가치, 고객만족, 고객충성도의 구조관계
박명국MyoungKugPark , 유현순HyunSoonYu
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of service quality at a ski resort on service value, customer satisfaction and customer loyalty for snowboarders. To attain this purpose, 450 persons participating in the winter sports for snowboarding were analyzed on, achieving the following results. First, service quality at a ski resort turned out to have a positive effect on service value. Second, service quality at a ski resort was shown to have a positive effect on customer satisfaction. Third, service quality at a ski resort was shown to have a positive effect on customer loyalty. Fourth, service value was shown to have effect on customer satisfaction. Fifth, service value was shown not to have positive effect on customer loyalty. Sixth, customer satisfaction was shown to have a positive effect on customer loyalty.
Key Words
snowboard, service quality, service value, customer satisfaction, customer loyalty
The Migrants Integrative Policy by Means of Sport in Germany 독일의 스포츠를 통한 이주민 통합 정책
49(6) 449-460, 2010
The Migrants Integrative Policy by Means of Sport in Germany 독일의 스포츠를 통한 이주민 통합 정책
The question of the possibilities and limitations of the integrative policy by means of sport in the multi-cultural societies, focused on Germany, is at the center of the following considerations. Under promotional slogans such as sport unites and sport speaks all languages, sport is seen, since the 1980's, by both politicians and sport organizations in Germany as an ideal vehicle for the social integration of foreign fellow-citizens. The theoretical basis of the "integration through sport" campaigns is the assumption that a shared sport experience of Germans and migrants is better suited than other means to overcome ethnic-cultural barriers which tend to trigger, within the context of an ill-conceived migration policy, xenophobia and racism. However, pertinent research unveils this optimism as deceptive, especially since the integration concept pursued by the sport organisations is assimilative, I. e. it expects the migrants to adopt one-sidedly the German cultural (sport) patterns at the expense of their own culture of origin. In the contrast with this concept of integration has the interactive integration many advantages for the multi-cultural policy. The concept of the interactive integration has reflected in the integrative program through sport(five module: Stutzpunktvereine, Integrationsmaßnahmen, Starthelfer, Qualifizierungsmaßnahme and Sportmobile).
Key Words
integrative function of sports, german sports politic, multi-cultural society
The Impact of Service Quality on the Membership Purchase-keeping Intention in the Membership Golf Clubs 회원제 골프장의 서비스품질이 회원권 가치, 고객만족 및 회원권 구매유지의도에 미치는 영향
이지환JiHwanLee , 김태형TaiHyungKim
49(6) 461-471, 2010
The Impact of Service Quality on the Membership Purchase-keeping Intention in the Membership Golf Clubs 회원제 골프장의 서비스품질이 회원권 가치, 고객만족 및 회원권 구매유지의도에 미치는 영향
이지환JiHwanLee , 김태형TaiHyungKim
This research explores the impact of service quality on the membership value, customer satisfaction and membership purchase-keeping intention in the membership golf clubs. Golf club membership holders in Kyonggi-do area were chosen as the research population. 300 of them were given questionnaire and 286 answers were selected as valid information. Others were discarded since the answers were not complete or not reliable. Frequency analysis, exploratory factor analysis, reliability analysis, correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis were done using SPSS Windows SPSS14.0. Confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation model (SEM) analysis were done using AMOS 7.0. Research results are as following. First, the service quality has positive impact on the value of the membership. Second, the service quality has positive impact on customer satisfaction. Third, the value of membership has positive impact on customer satisfaction. Fourth, the value of membership does not have impact on the purchase/keeping intention. Fifth, customer satisfaction has positive impact on the purchase/keeping intention.
Key Words
membership golf clubs, service quality, customer satisfaction, purchase-keeping intention
Relations of Professionality Awareness to Empowerment and Job Satisfaction Among Instructors in Sport for All 생활체육지도자의 전문성인식과 임파워먼트 및 직업만족의 관계
김옥태OkTaeKim , 이승희SeungHeeLee
49(6) 473-483, 2010
Relations of Professionality Awareness to Empowerment and Job Satisfaction Among Instructors in Sport for All 생활체육지도자의 전문성인식과 임파워먼트 및 직업만족의 관계
김옥태OkTaeKim , 이승희SeungHeeLee
In order to examine the relations of professionality awareness to empowerment and job satisfaction among instructors in sport for all, this study has been analyzed with the subjects of 348 instructors by means of one-way ANOVA, multiple regression analysis and path analysis. The results are as follows; First, there are significant differences in job satisfaction among instructors depending on individual characteristics. Second, professionality awareness affects empowerment. Systematic instructions, sanction of community, code of ethics and professional culture, which are sub-variables of professionality awareness, affect all the sub-variables of empowerment. Third, professionality awareness affects job satisfaction. Sanction of community, code of ethics, professional culture, which are sub-variables of professionality awareness, affect all the sub-variables of job satisfaction. Fourth, empowerment affects job satisfaction. Meaning, competent, self-determination, which are sub-variables of empowerment affect all the sub-variables of job satisfaction. Fifth, there are causal relations among professionality awareness, empowerment and job satisfaction. Professionality awareness and empowerment have direct effects on job satisfaction. Plus, professionality awareness has indirect effects on job satisfaction through its direct effects on empowerment. Government organizations taking charge of sport-for-all affairs should spare no efforts in establishing the basis of a new policy to raise professionality awareness and empowerment for the job satisfaction of instructors in sport for all.
An Analysis of the Policy Change Mechanism of NGO on Hosting the Sports Event - Focusing on Advocacy Coalition Framework(ACF) - 스포츠이벤트 유치에 대한 비정부단체(NGO)의 정책변화 메커니즘 분석 - 옹호연합모형(ACF)을 중심으로 -
서세훈SeHoonSeo , 박현욱HyunUkPark , 임태성TaeSungLim
49(6) 485-498, 2010
An Analysis of the Policy Change Mechanism of NGO on Hosting the Sports Event - Focusing on Advocacy Coalition Framework(ACF) - 스포츠이벤트 유치에 대한 비정부단체(NGO)의 정책변화 메커니즘 분석 - 옹호연합모형(ACF)을 중심으로 -
서세훈SeHoonSeo , 박현욱HyunUkPark , 임태성TaeSungLim
The purpose of this study was to analyze the implication of policy change and the relationship among NGO in order to make one's point to policy making process regarding the Re-Challenge of Hosting the 2018 Pyeongchang Winter Olympic Games. For this study, ACF was used as a basic analytical frame to investigate NGO's forms, characteristics, roles, and implications of policy change by the qualitative research method with a related instance. The characteristics of policy change of NGO's action were as follows. First, the intention of NGO's intervention in policy making is reinforced during significant changes of policy exterior(basic institutional system, governing group, and public opinion). Second, the intervention of policy making process is an important factor for a new policy-oriented learning. Third, NGO attempt to secure their predominant status in competition over policy. Moreover, Advocacy Coalition is made by a complementary cooperation between government and NGO as well.
The Effect of Exercise Participation to Social Support of the Elderly 노인들의 운동참여가 사회적 지지에 미치는 영향
49(6) 499-509, 2010
The Effect of Exercise Participation to Social Support of the Elderly 노인들의 운동참여가 사회적 지지에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study is to investigate that the effecct of exercise participation to social support of the elderly. The survey has been distributed to joining social welfare tube for the aged to Kangbook 220(exercise participation 110, none exercise participation 110), Kangnam 220(exercise participation 110, none exercise participation 110). 428(exercise participation 215, none exercise participation 213) was practically analyzed. In order to analyze the data, completed using, factor analysis, reliability, frequency, correlation, hierarchical regression. Based on the above research methods and procedures, this study produced the following results. First, according to the results, significant factors influencing medical treatment monthly, self-perceived health status and fall were age, sex, education, spouse, exercise participation. Second, according to the results, significant factors influencing an tangible support were age, sex, spouse. Third, according to the results, significant factors influencing emotional support were sex, spouse, exercise participation, self-perceived health status. Forth, according to the results, significant factors influencing reciprocal support were education, spouse, exercise participation, self-perceived health status.
Key Words
exercise participation, social support, elderly
A Case Study on the Quality of the Experience of Required Jazz Dance Class in College Applying ARCS Motive Promotion Strategy ARCS 동기촉진 전략을 적용한 대학 교양재즈댄스 수업체험에 관한 질적 사례 연구
49(6) 511-524, 2010
A Case Study on the Quality of the Experience of Required Jazz Dance Class in College Applying ARCS Motive Promotion Strategy ARCS 동기촉진 전략을 적용한 대학 교양재즈댄스 수업체험에 관한 질적 사례 연구
This study aims to prepare systematic and effective lesson strategies for required dance lessons in college by concretely analyzing the direct effects on elements of ARCS through case studies of students who participated in required jazz dance lessons in college that applied Keller’s ARCS motive promotion strategy. The objects of this study are 35 male and female students of H university who took jazz dance lessons during the first semester of 2010. An experiment was conducted every week for 12 weeks by applying the ARCS strategy, and each session lasted for 100 minutes. For the study, data were analyzed inductively using open questionnaires, opinions about lessons and videos, and the reliability of the data was secured through consultations with experts and colleagues. According to the results, 88, or 26.27 percent, out of a total of 335 respondents were elements of satisfaction, 87, or 25.97 percent, were attention concentration, 84, or 25.07 percent, were relevance and 76, or 22.69 percent, were confidence. A relatively high 27.76 percent, or 93, was about teaching behaviors of each element. It was found that to make learners actively participate in lessons and to promote motives for learning, teaching behavioral strategies were important elements and, at the same time, important variables in the educational environment.
Key Words
Keller's ARCS motivational model, learning motivation, jazz dance class in university
The Korean Dance Shown in San Guo Zhi and Hou Han Shu 삼국지와 후한서에 나타난 한국 춤
49(6) 537-547, 2010
The Korean Dance Shown in San Guo Zhi and Hou Han Shu 삼국지와 후한서에 나타난 한국 춤
This paper aims to discuss the way 'Dongyi Zhuan' of San Guo Zhi(三國志) and 'Dongyi Liezhuan' of Hou Han Shu(後漢書) describe the records on the Korean traditional dance and find out the right context in which history of the Korean traditional dance should be viewed. This paper also intends to reveal which part of the Chinese history books mentioned above has been used in previous discussion about history of the Korean traditional dance through proper understanding of 'Dongyi Zhuan' and 'Dongyi Liezhuan'. Harvest festivals in Buyeo, Goguryeo, Sam Han are essential clue to investigate the root of the Korean dance. So, in most books on the history of the Korean dance, those harvest festivals come first. This paper contains original Chinese texts, pronunciations, Korean translations of records related to the Korean dance in San Guo Zhi and Hou Han Shu. Analysis by comparing records in San Guo Zhi and Hou Han Shu shows that there are some errors that should be corrected in most books on the history of the Korean dance; typographical erros and incorrect use of quotation, to name just a few. To make matters worse, some of the books and articles repeat this kind of error without verifying the integrity of their source material. 'Dongyi Zhuan' dates two century earlier than 'Dongyi Liezhuan'. The contents in the latter are based on the former with supplement. Therefore it would be reasonable choice to refer to 'Dongyi Zhuan' in writing history of the Korean dance. In the same token, terms used in 'Dongyi Zhuan' should be given priority to those in 'Dongyi Liezhuan'.
Key Words
Dongyi Zhuan(San Guo Zhi), Dongyi Liezhuan, (Hou Han Shu), the Korean dance
Development and Structural Validation of the Talent Development Scale in Dance: Instructor Evaluation Approach 무용 재능발달 척도 개발 및 구조적 타당화 검증: 지도자 평가적 접근
유진JinYoo , 조경아KyungAJoe
49(6) 549-559, 2010
Development and Structural Validation of the Talent Development Scale in Dance: Instructor Evaluation Approach 무용 재능발달 척도 개발 및 구조적 타당화 검증: 지도자 평가적 접근
유진JinYoo , 조경아KyungAJoe
Based on the qualitative studies(Yoo & Cho, 2006), The purpose of this study was to develop and validate the Talent Development Scale in Dance(TDSD). The seven factor TDSD (movement rhythm, social support, self-control, dance passion, emotional expression, physique) were identified by profoundly examining the previous studies, and the 30 items underlying each factor were developed by series of psychometric procedures such as the content and exploratory factor analysis. The results of confirmatory factor analyses(CFA) with 233 dancer teachers revealed that the data fit the seven-factor 30-item model of the TDSD reasonably well. These results suggest that the DMS possesses adequate factorial validity useful to measure the mentoring functions of Korean dancers. A MANOVA was conducted to analyze differences in TDSD factors across the three dance group(elementary middle, high, college school teachers). The results indicated that there were significant differences among the groups. The TDSD factors of elementary dancers (Rhythm, self-control, dance passion, creativity) tended to have higher levels as compared with the middle, high, and college dancers. These results were discussed with developmental perspectives of talent, and future directions were suggested.
Key Words
talent development, structural validation, dance
Analysis of the Creative Process in Making Dance Based on 「Hangeul Dance Hunminjeongeum Treasure Finding」 한글춤 「훈민정음 보물찾기」의 무용창작과정 분석
49(6) 561-571, 2010
Analysis of the Creative Process in Making Dance Based on 「Hangeul Dance Hunminjeongeum Treasure Finding」 한글춤 「훈민정음 보물찾기」의 무용창작과정 분석
This study is designed to analyze how dramatic composition of Hangeul dance ``Hunminjeongeum treasure hunt’’ and concreteness of expression were reorganized and performed as a symbolic energy of modern dance and abstractness of various movements and suggest the features of choreography appearing in the processes of production. As the methodology of the study, a literature-based study was conducted to understand the characteristics of Hangeulchum and the features of choreographic organization shown in the actual performance production were analyzed by presenting detailed cases. The study has revealed, first, in `Hunminjeongeum treasure hunt,’’ rediscovery of time and space awareness about Hangeul images and new types of creative interpretation have worked as the most important factors in creating Hangeulchum as a high quality cultural product through storytelling. Second, is a comprehensive art created by organically combining with stage factors, not a simple dance; newly created as a genre of Hangeul Fantasy according to the purposes of production and characteristics of work analysis through rediscovery of aesthetic values based on the basic principles of Hangeul creation; has the potential to develop into the contents of a national brand which will create high -added values in the future.
Key Words
Hangeulchum, Hangeul dance, creative process in making dance
Conceptual Structure of Partnership in Dance sport 댄스스포츠에서 나타난 파트너십의 구성개념
The purpose of this study was to explore components of partnership internalized from Dance sport players, and confirm conceptual structure. We collected 389 Dance sport players, conducted structural survey with instrument developed based on open questionnaire and respondence. According to exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis of a preliminary instrument, the partnership in the Dance sport confirmed with mult-dimensional structures that hold five factors; partner care, partner harmony, reciprocal endeavor, perfect rhythm, economical environment. Also, as a result of profile of partnership structured in Dance sport, which didn't show significant difference as sex, age, Dance sport event. Lastly, in order to verify convergent validity of Dance sport partnership Scale, we conducted relationship inspection with general partnership satisfaction, consequently reciprocal harmony factor was related with partnership satisfaction by and large. These result were discussed related to theoretical and application aspects.
Key Words
partnership, conceptual structure, dance sport
Comparison of Obesity Indices, Metabolic Risk Factors, Physical Activity Between Boys and Girls 성별에 따른 아동의 비만지표, 대사성위험인자, 신체활동 비교
강현식HyunSikKang , 홍혜련HyeRyunHong , 박진국JinKookPark
49(6) 581-589, 2010
Comparison of Obesity Indices, Metabolic Risk Factors, Physical Activity Between Boys and Girls 성별에 따른 아동의 비만지표, 대사성위험인자, 신체활동 비교
강현식HyunSikKang , 홍혜련HyeRyunHong , 박진국JinKookPark
The purpose of this study was to compare gender differences in obesity indices, metabolic risk factors, physical activity between boys and girls who were either 5th or 6th grade. A total of 220 apparently healthy children (91 boys and 129 girls) were recruited from local elementary schools. Daily physical activities was measured for 7 consecutive days with an accelerometer. Obesity indices and metabolic risk factors were measured in a fasting state with standardized protocols. The data of the measured variables were expressed as mean±standard deviations. Independent t-tests were used to compare any significant differences in the measured variables between boys and girls at a statistical significance of p=0.05. Sex-based group comparisons showed that 1) boys had higher means in body weight, body mass index, waist circumference, and waist-to-hip ratio than girls, 2) boys had lower means in tanner scale, body fat, total cholesterol, triglycerides, insulin, homeostasis model of assessment for insulin resistance than girls, and 3) boys had higher level in low-, moderate-, vigorous, and total- physical activity than girls. In summary, a longitudinal study would be necessary to investigate how the gender differences in lifestyle factors including obesity indices, metabolic risk factors, and physical activity would affect the potential morbidity of its chronic diseases in children.
The Effects of Combined Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy & Exercise Program During 8 Weeks on The Pain, Strength & Proprioception in Lateral Epicondylitis Patients 주관절 외측상과염환자의 8주간 체외충격파치료와 운동프로그램의 병행이 통증, 근력 및 고유수용성감각에 미치는 영향
The Effects of Combined Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy & Exercise Program During 8 Weeks on The Pain, Strength & Proprioception in Lateral Epicondylitis Patients 주관절 외측상과염환자의 8주간 체외충격파치료와 운동프로그램의 병행이 통증, 근력 및 고유수용성감각에 미치는 영향
This study was performed to analyze pain, muscle strength and propriocepation of lateral epicondylitis patients and identify the effects of combination of Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy and exercise program. We choose 31 male subjects and divided them randomly into 3 groups, combination of extracorporeal shock wave therapy and exercise program group(n=10), exercise program group(n=10), extracorporeal shock wave therapy group(n=11). We tested them for 8 weeks and the results are as follows. In combination of extracorporeal shock wave therapy and rehabilitation exercise program group, they showed pain reduction, grip strength improvement and more improvement of wrist joint extensor/flexor strength, elbow joint extensor/flexor strength and propriocepation comparing to other two groups. These results show that combination of extracorporeal shock wave therapy and program is more effective than combination of extracorporeal shock wave therapy or exercise program alone. It is considered that further investigation is necessary for more musculoskeletal diseases.
Effect of Voluntary Exercise on the Production of Matrix Metalloproteinase After Cerebral Ischemia in Mice 자발적 운동이 쥐의 뇌허혈 시에 유도되는 기질 금속단백분해효소에 미치는 영향
추연경YeunKyungChu , 류호상HoSangYoo
49(6) 601-612, 2010
Effect of Voluntary Exercise on the Production of Matrix Metalloproteinase After Cerebral Ischemia in Mice 자발적 운동이 쥐의 뇌허혈 시에 유도되는 기질 금속단백분해효소에 미치는 영향
추연경YeunKyungChu , 류호상HoSangYoo
The present study was designed to evaluate the effect of chronic voluntary exercise and stress on the matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) activity and neuronal injury in focal and global ischemia model. In exercise group, mice were subjected to activity wheel exercise before ischemia. In stress group, mice were subjected immobilization stress before ischemia. Brain infarct volume after focal ischemia was reduced by exercise and aggravated by stress. In exercise group, neuronal damage was significantly reduced compared with non-exercise group. However, stress aggravated neuronal damage in global ischemia. Stress diminished beneficial effect of exercise on neuronal damage following focal and global ischemia. MMP-9 activity was increased by both types of brain ischemia, not MMP-2. Exercise reduced increase of MMP-9 activity induced by both types of brain ischemia. These data demonstrate that exercise seems to reduce ischemic neuronal damage in cerebral ischemia at least partially via MMP-9 inhibition. Severe stress can diminish beneficial effect of exercise. Therefore, to maintain the beneficial effect of exercise, it is important to reduce or avoid stress events.
The Effects of Treadmill Exercise on the BDNF and TrkB mRNA Expression in the Injured Parts After Spinal Cord Contusion of Rats 척수손상 후 트레드밀 운동이 손상된 부위에서 BDNF와 trkB mRNA 발현에 미치는 영향
The Effects of Treadmill Exercise on the BDNF and TrkB mRNA Expression in the Injured Parts After Spinal Cord Contusion of Rats 척수손상 후 트레드밀 운동이 손상된 부위에서 BDNF와 trkB mRNA 발현에 미치는 영향
It has been postulated that exercise-induced activation of brain-derived neurotrophic factor(BDNF) may account for improvement of nerve recovery in animals after incomplete spinal cord injury(SCI). Forty five male SD rats (230±10g; 7week in age) were assigned equally to three different groups; normal (n=7), SCI (n=7), SCI+treadmill training (TMT, n=7). Every rat in SCI and SCI+TMT groups underwent laminectomy at T9 level and then contusion on the exposed spinal cord in the anesthetized condition. After 1 week-recovery, exercise was performed by having rat run on a treadmill at a speed of 8-10 meters/min on a horizontal platform for 30min/d, 5d/wk for 2wks. The data was analyzed by using SPSS WIN Ver.14.0, independent t-test. Also statistical level institutes at the .05 level. BDNF and trkB expression levels were analyzed by RT-PCR and increased in rostral and caudal regions as well as injury site of 1-2 weeks exercise groups after spinal cord contusion. These data suggested that exercise-induced increase of BDNF may play a role in facilitating recovery of locomotion following spinal cord injury.
The Relationship Between Physical Activity Participation and Passion with Exercise Addiction for Physical Impairment 지체장애인의 생활체육 참여정도와 열정 및 운동중독의 관계
박수경SooGyoungPark , 이현수HyunSuLee
49(6) 623-633, 2010
The Relationship Between Physical Activity Participation and Passion with Exercise Addiction for Physical Impairment 지체장애인의 생활체육 참여정도와 열정 및 운동중독의 관계
박수경SooGyoungPark , 이현수HyunSuLee
The purpose of this study was analyzing 259 of the individuals with disabilities participating the physical activity participation date to investigate the effect of physical activity participation passion with exercise addiction for physical impairment. To measure any effects, measure means was reconstituted by modifing and strengthening based on passion survey(Nak Chul Lim, Seok Il Kim, 2009) and exercise addiction survey(Jae Hoon Kim, Jin Yoo, 2007). Two-way ANOVA and multiple regression were tested using the SPSS 14.0 and Amos 4 program. Result of the study were described as follows: First, it showed significant difference in passion(harmonious passion, obsessive passion) of participation period and frequency. Second, it showed significant difference in exercise addiction(exercise dependences, exercise motivations, social problems, exercise desires, withdrawal symptoms) of participation period, participation frequency, participation strength. Third, it showed significant difference in physical activity psrticipation passion with exercise addiction, the harmonious passion was statistically indicated the significant difference in exercise dependences, the exercise motivations, the exercise desires, and the obsessive passion has an effect on the 5 subscale of exercise addiction.
Key Words
passion, exercise addiction, physical impairment
Attitudes Toward People with Disabilities and Attitudes Toward Inclusive Physical Activity of Non-disabilities Participations in The Inclusive Life-time Athletic 통합생활체육대회 참여 비장애인의 장애인들에 대한 태도 및 통합체육 태도 분석
조창옥ChangOkCho , 구교만KyoManKoo , 오아라AhRaOh
49(6) 635-642, 2010
Attitudes Toward People with Disabilities and Attitudes Toward Inclusive Physical Activity of Non-disabilities Participations in The Inclusive Life-time Athletic 통합생활체육대회 참여 비장애인의 장애인들에 대한 태도 및 통합체육 태도 분석
조창옥ChangOkCho , 구교만KyoManKoo , 오아라AhRaOh
The purpose of this study was to suggest the methods of revitalization for attitudes toward people with disabilities and attitudes toward inclusive physical activity of non-disabilities participations in the inclusive life-time athletic. The total number of 188 targets who non-disabilities participations in the inclusive life-time athletic with convenience sampling. Then, contents of questions were used for examination of character of demographical characteristics, attitudes toward people with disabilities and attitudes toward inclusive physical activity. A survey was conducted to investigate the participants and descriptive statistics, Confirmatory factor analysis, two-independent sample t test, One-Way ANOVA, Post Hoc multiple comparisons analysis were used to analyse their answers. The collected documentation had been computerized by using Amos 16.0, SPSS 13.0, Excel 2007 and statistical data α=.05 level had been set up as the basic rate. These followings in below are the results of this study. First of all, there were not differences of inferred emotional consequences, interaction strain, imputed functional limitation, generalized rejection and attitudes toward inclusive physical activity on gander, level of education, number of participation. Then, there were differences of inferred emotional consequences, imputed functional limitation and attitudes toward inclusive physical activity on age.
Key Words
attitudes toward people with disabilities, attitudes toward inclusive physical activity, inclusive life-time athletic
Effects of 12 Weeks Combined Treatment of Garlic Extracts Intake and Regular Aerobic Exercise on Rate of Changes of Blood Lipids and Antioxidant Function 12주간 마늘 추출액 섭취와 규칙적인 유산소 운동의 복합처치가 혈중지질과 항산화 기능의 변화율에 미치는 영향
49(6) 643-656, 2010
Effects of 12 Weeks Combined Treatment of Garlic Extracts Intake and Regular Aerobic Exercise on Rate of Changes of Blood Lipids and Antioxidant Function 12주간 마늘 추출액 섭취와 규칙적인 유산소 운동의 복합처치가 혈중지질과 항산화 기능의 변화율에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this research was to examine the effect of 12 weeks combined treatment of garlic extracts intake and regular aerobic exercise on rate of changes of blood lipids and antioxidant function in male university students. 28 subjects were divided into control (C, n=7), aerobic exercise (E, n=7), garlic intake (G, n=7), and garlic intake + aerobic exercise (GE, n=7 ) groups. Blood lipids and antioxidant function (MDA, SOD, CAT, GPx) of all subjects were measured at 0 wk and 12 wk. TC, LDL-C, and HDL-C were significantly ameliorated within GE group, and GE group was shown that there was a significant difference of TC, LDL-C and HDL-C levels, compared with C group. MDA was shown that there was no significant difference within and between groups. However, SOD was significantly increased within GE group, and GE group was shown that there was a significant difference of SOD, compared with C group. CAT was significantly increased within GE group and G group. The increase of GPx was observed within GE group after 12 wks.
Key Words
combined treatment, garlic intake, aerobic exercise, blood lipids, antioxidant function
The Effect of Rehabilitative Exercise Program On Musculoarticular, Proprioceptive Functions and Knee Functional Score of Meniscus Repair Athletes 복합운동재활이 반월상 연골 봉합술 운동선수들의 근관절기능, 고유수용성 능력 및 슬관절 기능점수에 미치는 영향
이중철JoongChulLee , 배종진JongJinBae , 김수근SooKeunKim
49(6) 657-665, 2010
The Effect of Rehabilitative Exercise Program On Musculoarticular, Proprioceptive Functions and Knee Functional Score of Meniscus Repair Athletes 복합운동재활이 반월상 연골 봉합술 운동선수들의 근관절기능, 고유수용성 능력 및 슬관절 기능점수에 미치는 영향
이중철JoongChulLee , 배종진JongJinBae , 김수근SooKeunKim
The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of rehabilitative exercise program(REP) on proprioceptive functions, and knee functional score. 15 athletes with meniscus repair were divided into the two side: involved side(operating side), uninvolved side(non-operating side). The REP consist of seven phases, and each last for two weeks. The athletes carried on REP during 14th weeks. Test items to examine the effects of REP were evaluated pre-operation, post-operation 6th, 10th and 14th weeks respectively. Statistical techniques for data analysis were two-way ANOVA with repeated measures. The results of this study were as followed; Before the REP, the proprioceptive function of the knee involved side was very decreased than the uninvolved side. But it increased after the REP. The result of 14th weeks was increased 374% than 6th weeks and 60% than pre-operation. Before the REP, The functional score of knee involved side were 50.75(±18.94)point. But it increased after the REP. The 10th(21.33%), 14th(70.10%)weeks were significantly increased. The knee functional score in last test results was presented normal level. After applying REP, proprioceptive functions, and knee functional score were significantly improved. Therefore, it is necessary to perform a effective REP for the patients with meniscus repair.